You dont want too many plants in your tank at once otherwise your fish could die. However dont let floating plants take over your entire tank because it limits the amount of gas exchange.
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This is only an average figure as some fish can stand much more crowding than other people.

Can you have too many plants in an aquarium. The short answer is no not necessarily. Another thing to consider if you have live plants in your aquarium is where you are getting your plants and what fish you have in your tank. This problem will grow from bad to worse in no time.
Too many floating plants can greatly reduce oxygen levels in your fish tank. Just put a valve between the air pump and check valve. Algae is a part of the natural ecosystem and can provide supplimental food for.
The general rule is around one inch per gallon but each type may. You may want to use small-sized gravel with the grain size of 01 to 02 inches 3 to 5 millimeters for most live aquatic plants because these grow best in this size. If thats the case the better solution might be to look for improvements in your filtration and maintenance routine first.
As long as your fish have plenty of room to swim then you dont have too many plants. Live plants Adding live plants to your tank is a great way to increase oxygen. The fish in most cases will not be bothered by having a jungle.
Well in balance could mean a lot of things but Im guessing you mean you want to add plants to keep your water quality in check. The reason for this is known as biological oxygen demand. Too much algae growth from too much light or too much fish food can lead to other snail problems.
30 or 40 fish is a pretty full load for a 120L30gal tank so there might be more effective or even necessary things you can do without adding any new organisms. Its highly unlikely that your tank has too much oxygen. The number of plants needed is as follows.
In a planted tank this may indicate that there arent. This spike can stress the fish and if it is high enough could potentially lead to death. In this article I will teach you everything you need to know about the effect of live plants on the aquarium cycle.
While not having enough oxygen in the tank is the more common problem you can also provide too much circulation in your aquarium. 18 Vallisneria 12 inch Long 2 Indian fern Large. Just like fish they do need to be cared for though so make sure to do some research into keeping live plants in an aquarium.
If there is a substrate the water will still be cloudy. Dead leaves and plants decompose which can cause nitrogen levels in the tank to spike. You could cut the airflow to a minimum and see how the zebra fish react.
If you cant run the air pump slower you can always bleed off some of the air. Your first instinct for snail control might be to buy some kind of chemical solution from the pet store but that would be a mistake. Fish good bacteria and your plants need oxygen to survive.
Live aquarium plants are not absolutely essential for creating a functioning healthy fish tank. Increase surface agitation with filtration and air stones. Snails can reproduce very quickly in a home aquarium so if you have a nuisance snail population you should act quickly to get it under control.
Whether you are a beginner with aquarium plants or an expert its always good to know the different types of gravel that can be used. When you are setting up your aquarium you can add plants directly after you added the water. Different species will be able to handle more water movement than others.
Guppies for example can stand up to about 80 in a tank of this size. I like having a ton of plants in my tank but I know some people prefer a minimalistic look. Thats about medium-low planted look up high planted tanks lol those are very dense You can never have enough plants unless of course there.
In general live aquarium plants can be very useful in producing additional oxygen for your fish. In established tanks you are free to add plants whenever. The amount of live plants in your tank and whether or not to scrub off algae are both personal preferences.
However there are some downsides to having too many plants when it comes to maintenance for your tank. Obviously if you see your fish being whisked around the aquarium or see them greatly struggling you need to reduce the amount of circulation. However while they are not compulsory aquarium plants do bring many benefits to a fish tank and its inhabitants.
Make sure you put enough plants in your tank dont overcrowd them or place too many together because they can use up all the oxygen from their surroundings which could be fatal to fish. Some of the other fish you want to put in the aquarium are slow swimmers and the turbulence can be very unpleasant for them. Nevertheless we will think about the tank as holding its full complement of fish.
No matter how many plants you include in your aquarium you wont harm your fish. Live plants are an additional facet to your aquarium that will require separate care to keep them healthy and alive. By Pond Planet September 22nd 2017 There are currently 0 comments.
My Planted 75 Gallon I Might Have Too Many Plants Aquarium Fish Tank Fish Aquarium Decorations Aquarium